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/ GameWare Collection / GameWare Collection (CMS Software) (1993).iso / games / g_games / gwpoker.zip

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File Comment
║     Music          │This Program Was Extracted From:│    CD-ROMs           ║
║         CDs        │  The ShareWare OnLine CD-ROM   │        Computers     ║
║                  │     CMS SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTING      │                    ║
║                  │           P.O. BOX 165             │                    ║
║  CD-ROM          │       SEELYVILLE, IN  47878        │  300+ CD-ROM       ║
║   Mastering &    │Voice/FAX Telephone: (812)  442-0110│      Titles        ║
║        Pressing  │    Support BBS: (812) 442-5354     │        Available   ║
║                  │    Orders Only: (800) 768-7929     │                    ║
║  CMS has the GUARANTEED LOWEST prices on CD-ROM software anyplace!  For    ║
║  our latest CD-ROM catalog send a business size SASE to the address listed ║
║  above for a free catalog or call our BBS and download CMSLIST.ZIP today!  ║
║  If you have a CD-ROM project you or your group is working on and need a   ║
║  reliable place to finish your project call CMS today. We offer a CD-ROM   ║
║  mastering and pressing service. Mastering, printing, formatting and       ║
║  marketing services are available. Any quantity 1 - 1 million. Call today! ║

Images (21)

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CANDI.TXT Text File 2 69b 1980-01-01
GWPOKER.DOC Text File 22 874b 1986-04-03
MARLENA.TXT Text File 2 69b 1980-01-01
MELISSA.TXT Text File 2 71b 1980-01-01
OPN.TXT Text File 2 35b 1986-04-03
SUZI.TXT Text File 2 68b 1986-04-02
SWOL.BAT DOS Batch File 3 23b 1980-12-31
SWOL.TXT Text File 23 2KB 1980-12-31

Other Files (6)
CARDS.BAS Unknown 2KB 1980-01-01
GWBASIC.BAS Unknown 80b 1986-10-14
GWPOKER.BAS Unknown 13KB 1986-10-14
GWPOKER2.BAS Unknown 13KB 1986-06-13
MYSUB.BAS Unknown 3KB 1980-01-01
SUZI5.PIC Unknown 6KB 1980-01-01